Saturday, February 5, 2011


Just a little side note,
     [Im pretty sure I have the most amazing daughter in the ENTIRE world and can't get over how I seriously LOVE her more than life itself... if that's possible.]

     Its two o'clock in the morning and I can't sleep because I busted my rear/back earlier with all this snow/ice business that us Texans have received this week and am hurting..
Anyways.. She's asleep on my chest and really warm and reminds me of a TINY version of the love of my life. & he's at work right now so thats a really really awesome thing!

 I can't believe she'll be 7 weeks old on Tuesday... Time is flying by!!!

Anyways, I'm really thankful for the family that God has given me. I couldn't be happier to have such an amazing husband and beautiful daughter!

P.S. I had a beautiful day out in the snow besides falling. Husband and I got to take a walk (just the two of us!) and had a blast watching all the families slide down the hill over here by our house! We laughed a lot and it was very much needed!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Baby Bath Adventure of Tonight

So my night was very eventful to say the least...
Raelyn has this habit of as soon as we put her in the water, she decides its nice enough to go potty and its not pleasant, I'll tell you that much. haha. Since I've become very big about germs and things of that sort, her going "potty" means picking her up, draining the water, washing the tub out, and starting the process all over again! Its a hassle but hey, all she knows is its relaxing and if she has to go, then she has to go.

So anyways, tonight...
I went to start our nightly routine, and since I didn't sleep well last night due to the weather, I wasn't thinking too much..
So first, I put the water in her tub: Too warm!
Second, I add cold water to cool it off: Too cold!
So then, I drain the water in attempt to start this process over and make it just right!
Oh, & p.s. all while holding naked baby Raelyn on my knee not thinking..
Needless to say, her bath routine, happened on mommy...
Not too pleasant... haha.
Ew, to say the least..

On a more pleasant note,
bath time has become a little more fun for her lately, & us!
I've been sitting her in the water and letting her kick her legs and arms,
I read it's good for baby since it's like being in mommy's tummy and also, it strengthens her legs!
Its also, a good laugh for mommy and daddy because she gets so happy!

Hope you enjoyed!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

An explanation of me and my life.

So, I started this blog because I constantly feel like writing and since I've had a baby recently... I have a lot to write about! If you didn't know, I'm a young stay at home mom and I actually really enjoy it. I know most girls dream of the whole independent, dream job route but honestly, I couldn't have been blessed any more than having that dream of mine fulfilled. Neither of our families really understand me being a stay at home mom because we both come from working families. I know... I know.. Not your typical "fun" job. I mean a baby spits up, poops, pees and cries on a daily basis and quite often I might add. The things that make up for that though are the smiles, sweet moments, cuddling, watching those milestones, someone to talk to who enjoys listening to your voice, and the uncondition love. You would think staying home with a baby would be the "easy task" but honestly, it's hard work. Its a constant, 24/7 never-ending job. Oh, & learning to balance the time in a day is a challenge. You have to learn how to balance the constant feeding, changings and just time with baby along with your daily life before hand. I definitely don't mind though. I seriously love being a mom. Its the best gift anyone could ever be given, in my opinion. On another note in my life, so you know, my husband is a man I met back in middle school at church camp. We've been best friends since and actually ended up falling in love and here we are! He's my go to man, comedian, shoulder to cry on, rock, therapist and many many more things. While I was pregnant, I couldn't have asked for someone better.. Between all the sick days, hospital visits, "off" moods, "ugly" days, emotional rollercoaster, and not getting out of the house for 9 months to do fun things.. I don't know how he did it but somehow we managed to survive!

Anyways, thats the main scoop. My life is beautiful to me right now and I hope that my future posts will give you some insight on why I'm so happy these days and hopefully give you some laughs!