Wednesday, March 16, 2011

3 MoNtHs!!

Hi sweet baby girl!
Yesterday, you turned 3 months old! I cannot believe time is flying by so fast! You really have lighted mommy and daddy's world up! You are the best thing that has ever happened to me!

You have learned to:
Roll over
Discovered your hands
Started playing with toys
Hold your head steady now
Interact with new people
Grab things

You are trying to:
Sit up on your own like a big girl
Talk (as much as a three month old possibly can)
& many more things I can't think of at the moment!

You are beautiful my sweet girl. Everyone who sees you falls in love. Everyone says you're tiny but you seem so big to me! We carry you around now in your Ergo baby carrier and you love it! No more stroller for momma to lug around everywhere! You tried cereal, too, for the first time 2 days ago & loved it!

I know there is probably much more but thats all I will write for now!

Your proud momma
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